These quotes would make you become a book lover

These 12 quotes by Anna Quindlen would change your perception about books and give you an insight to the world of book lovers.

  1. Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.

books are the train

2. Those of us who read because we love it more than anything, who feel about bookstores the way some people feel about jewelers…

how i feel when i enter a bookstore

3. In books I have traveled, not only to other worlds, but into my own. I learned who I was and who I wanted to be, what I might aspire to, and what I might dare to dream about my world and myself.

books are made of hopes

4. Reading has always been my home, my sustenance, my great invincible companion.

4th quote

5. Yet of all the many things in which we recognize some universal comfort…reading seems to be the one in which the comfort is most undersung…”

all the cool cats are reading

6. The joy of someone who had been a reader all her life, whose world had been immeasurably enlarged by the words of others.

3rd quote

7. We read in bed because reading is halfway between life and dreaming, our own consciousness in someone else’s mind.

ignite africa

8. There are only two ways, really, to become a writer. One is to write. The other is to read.

read as a writer

9. Part of the great wonder of reading is that it has the ability to make human beings feel more connected to one another, which is a great good, if not from a pedagogical point of view, at least from a psychological one.

im glad we are on the same page

10. Ignorance is death. A closed mind is a catafalque.

cure ignorance

11. Reading has as many functions as the human body, and… not all of them are cerebral.

quote me, reading is good

12. I am not alone. I am surrounded by words that tell me who I am, why I feel what I feel.

we are smart bc we read

Would you rather join the league of smart people? Reading your way to success… borrow books at the Ignite Africa Library

Excerpt from How Reading Changed My Life by Anna Quindlen

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One response to “These quotes would make you become a book lover

  1. Love the pants and the shoes! I deiinftely remember those Adidas gym pants – it was also cool to try and rip them off in one go, but of course I always failed in my attempts, haha.


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